Kaisergames | Spielaffe
Kaisergames is the leading flash game publisher in Germany and creator of the most visited online games portal in the whole country: spielaffe.de. We have been working with Kaisergames on several projects in the past and developed their brand characters Kiba and Kumba. For this project they commissioned us to bring Kiba and Kumba into the real life. We had to navigate carefully between the demands of the kids, the concerns of the parents and the general objectives of our client as gaming is always a delicate topic in todays education.
We created a very bright und friendly TVC that is supposed to encourage parents to play with there kids instead of „parking“ them in front of the computer. Kiba and Kumba support this intention by appearing in the real world as energetic and huggable characters sparking the joy of gaming and encouraging the parents to join the kids and play together.
Making of
The seamless integration of our monkey characters into the live action shots was one of the key tasks of this project. This included convincing fur, lighting and shading of the monkeys, but also the real actors had to interact with the characters in a believable fashion.

the crew
Working on set with kids AND monkeys? Thanks to our incredible cast & crew we had blast!

the storyboard
Before shooting and animating, a detailed storyboard was created! Monkey buisness needs planing too!

the characters
3D models and rigs of the monkeys

dyrdee Tasks
Concept, Production, Direction, Shoot, 3D, Compositing
Henning Malz, Enrico Strecker
Sven Henrichs
Creative Director
Ljubisa Djukic
Ole Keune
Technical Director
Mesut Can
Michael Herm
Lars Krüger
Daniel Rath
Johann Volkmer
Oliver Koeppel
Malte Nies